Conserve & Save® Rebates

The most energy-efficient businesses in America use about 30% less energy than their competitors. With Conserve & Save™, you can improve your bottom line, be recognized as an environmentally conscious business, and receive great rebates!

Rebate applications for projects completed in 2024 will be accepted until March 31, 2025.

Rebate Applications

Click to download an application:

Commercial rebate processing questions:

RPU Trade Ally and Energy Solutions Partner lists

Energy Design Assistance (EDA)

RPU is offering a free comprehensive Energy Design Assistance (EDA) program to Commercial customers in our service area. This program will help you to maximize your rebate potential on your new construction building or addition or certain buildings remodel projects that include a full renovation and equipment replacements. This program has some minimum standards.

  • Minimum project size of 20,000 square feet
  • Must be in early stages of your design development
  • Requires a minimum of 5% above code energy savings (kW, KWh)

This program requires preapproval and a brief application process. You can access the application link here:

Contact your Commercial Energy & Environmental Advisor if you have questions.

Other Useful Information and Links