As of May 27, 2021, the RPU Board adopted an updated Billing, Credit, and Collections Policy. The policy includes information on: Billing, Late Payment Fees, Payment Options, Deposits, Delinquent Accounts and Disconnection of Service, Cold Weather Rule, Deceased Customer, Disputes and Appeals, and Meter Tampering.
Monthly bills are issued for the following utility services; electric, water, and/or any billings on behalf of the City or other City Departments. All utility charges for the services RPU provides are calculated in accordance with the Rate Schedule approved by the RPU Board of Directors and Rochester City Council. All billing statements are due and payable on or before the due date. For more detailed information, read the complete policy here.
Late Payment Fees
All billing statements are due and payable on or before the Due Date. Bills not paid by the Due Date are subject to a late payment fee equal to .65% of the average outstanding balance for the current billing period or $5, whichever is greater. The late fee will be added to the Customer's outstanding account balance. If the average outstanding balance amount is $20 or less, a late payment fee will not be added. In the event of a billing error, late payment fees will be removed from the account as determined by RPU staff.
Payment Options
RPU offers convenient options ways to receive and pay your monthly utility bill. Choose from paperless bill, autopay, and elect to receive monthly billing notifications. To learn more, view our RPU Connect Billing Options brochure. To sign up for any of these options, register your account on RPU Connect or mail us a completed form.
All residential and commercial customers are required to pay a deposit when initiating new electric and/or water service(s) accounts. The deposit requirement for customers will only be waived, if:
- The customer’s credit rating meets the established criteria or;
- The customer has an existing account with an acceptable credit history or;
- The commercial customer provides a guarantee. A non-revocable letter of credit can be provided, if it is for 36 months and equal to the deposit amount.
The deposit will be calculated using the two highest month’s bills from the previous 12 months at the service address and will be due before the service connection date. Deposits, along with interest will be applied as a credit to the customer’s account at the end of 24 or 36 months, respectively residential and commercial, if an acceptable credit history has been established. The deposit and interest will be applied to final bills. Remaining credits will be refunded within 45 days after the termination of service. For more detailed information, read the complete policy here.
Delinquent Accounts and Disconnection of Service
Unpaid accounts shall be considered past due on the first calendar day following the due date. When all administrative efforts at collecting a past due account have been exhausted, alternative collection methods may be used. RPU shall attempt to collect delinquent accounts promptly. Where satisfactory arrangements for payment have not been made, and after notification requirements have been complied with, utility services will be disconnected. If an existing customer has been disconnected for nonpayment of service, a new or additional deposit will be required for services to be reconnected, along with a reconnection fee.
Emergency Situations
Where it is necessary that the utility service be temporarily disconnected or connected to protect health, life or property, RPU will, at its discretion, take such action without charge or notice to the customer.
Cold Weather Rule
From October 1 to April 30, RPU acknowledges and complies with the State of Minnesota Cold Weather Rule for Municipal Utilities under Minnesota Statutes, Section 216B.097. Click here to view and download the fillable Cold Weather Protection Application. To learn more, read the Cold Weather Rule brochure.
Payment Assistance Options
Energy Assistance Program
Three Rivers Community Action
Emergency Assistance
Olmsted County Family Support & Assistance
Energy Conservation and Programs
Rochester Public Utilities
Home Energy Guide
Minnesota Department of Commerce
Weatherization Assistance Program
Minnesota Department of Commerce
Automated Meter Reading (AMR) / Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Opt-Out Program
The Automated Meter Reading (AMR) / Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Opt-Out Program (“Program”) is available for Rochester Public Utilities’ (RPU) Residential and Small General Service customers. This program allows for the removal of radio frequency (RF) emitting equipment used for purposes of collecting a meter read at a premise and replacement with non-automated equipment.
Below are documents regarding the AMR/AMI Opt-Out Program:
- Opt-Out Request Form
- Opt-Out Agreement
- Opt-Out Letter
- Opt-Out FAQs
- Misc Fee Schedule
- Residential Rate Tariff
Deceased Customer
Upon death of a customer, the service will be removed from that person’s name as quickly as possible. As soon as the death of a customer is known, RPU will send the family a letter giving them a thirty (30) day notice that the name needs to be changed on the account. In the event that service is not transferred within thirty (30) days, RPU reserves the right to discontinue service and apply the deposit (if applicable) to all outstanding balances owed to RPU in the name of the deceased individual’s account.
Disputes and Appeal
The customer may dispute a bill that they feel is in error by calling or writing to RPU. We will investigate all disputes. We will not disconnect a service for non-payment of a disputed bill provided: (1) the customer notifies us before the bill is delinquent and (2) the customer pays all other undisputed charges when due.
When a customer is dissatisfied with action taken on his or her dispute, he or she has the right to appeal. A detailed written notice of the issue must be received by RPU within 30 days of the initial dispute. The appeal will be reviewed by RPU management to decide whether or not RPU policies and procedures have been administered properly on the customer’s behalf. Management will respond to the customer with their findings and any further course of action, if needed.
Meter Tampering
RPU follows Minnesota Statutes, Sections 325E.026 and 609.52 with regards to the unauthorized use of Utility meters and theft of service. For more detailed information, read the complete policy here.
If you have further questions, please contact Customer Care at 507.280.1500.