Members Present: Mr. Landwehr, *Mr. Utz, ***Mr. Bourgeois, Mr. Jibben and Mr. Hunziker
Absent: None
Also Present: **Mr. Goslee, Deputy City Attorney
Board President Landwehr called the meeting to order at
3. Mr. Hunziker moved to approve the minutes of the
4. Mr. Jibben moved to approve the accounts payable report, seconded by Mr. Hunziker. All voting "AYE"
* Mr. Utz entered the meeting at this time.
5a. Mr. Hunziker moved to reject the bids of Trans America Power Products due to failure to meet the bid specifications and to approve a purchase order agreement with Valmount Industries for steel transmission poles, seconded by Mr. Utz. All voting "AYE"
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota to reject the bid of Trans America Power Products Inc. as being technically non-responsive to the specification
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board to approve a purchase order agreement with Valmont Industries, Inc./Bergstrom-Verbarg Co. for
Three Steel Transmission Structures for
Relocation of Q7 Transmission Line
The amount of the purchase order agreement to be SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND THIRTY- FOUR AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($75,034.00) and Valmont Industries, Inc./Bergstrom-Verbarg Co. being lowest responsible bidder.
** Mr. Goslee entered the meeting at this time.
5b. The evaluation of transformer bids was discussed. Mr. Koshire informed the Board that several factors are used to determine lowest bid including lowest life cycle cost per bid based on guaranteed losses over 20 years, as well as bidder qualification factors and conformance to specifications.
*** Mr. Bourgeois entered the meeting at this time.
Mr. Utz moved to reject the bids of Kuhlman Electric Corp., ABB Power Transformers and
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to reject the bids of Kuhlman Electric Corp., ABB Power Transformers and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board to approve a purchase order agreement with Delta-Star for Outdoor Power Transformers for 2003
The amount of the purchase order agreement to be THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-ONE AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($389,361.00) and Delta-Star being lowest responsible bidder.
5c. Mr. Hunziker moved to reject all bids for item 20 of the 2003 wire and cable bid and to approve en bloc four resolutions for the purchase of wire and cable for 2003, seconded by Mr. Utz. All voting "AYE"
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to reject all bids for item 20 because RPU will not be purchasing that item at this time. Wire and Cable 2003 – Item 20
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to approve a purchase order agreement with Hendrix for Wire and Cable
Item # Description
17 1/0, 15kV, 1/C Stranded Aluminum with strand-fill
The amount of the purchase order agreement to be FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($54,270.00) and Hendrix Wire and Cable being lowest responsible bidder.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to approve a purchase order agreement with Graybar Electric for wire and cable
Item # Description
1 #8 Soft Drawn Bare Copper
2 #6 Soft Drawn Bare Copper
3 No. 12-2 with Ground, Copper, U.F., 600V
9 Cable in Conduit,
10 Cable in Conduit,
12 "Penguin," 4/0 ACSR Bare, 6/1
16 "Almond," 600Vm 1/0 ACSR XLP, 6/1
18 Cable in Conduit, 15kV, 1/0
The amount of the purchase order agreement to be TWO HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN AND 25/100 DOLLARS ($230,337.25) and Graybar Electric being lowest responsible bidder.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to approve a purchase order agreement with Border States Electric for wire and cable
Item # Description
4 "Janthina," (Triplex Stranded Aluminum), 600v, 1/0
5 "Cockle," (Triplex Stranded Aluminum), 600V, #2
6 "Weslyan," (Triplex Stranded Aluminum), 600V, 350 MCM
7 "Brenau," (Triplex Stranded Aluminum), 600V, 1/0 AWG
11 "Raven," 1/0 ACSR Bare, 6/1
13 "Merlin," 336.4 ACSR Bare, 6/1
14 "Osprey," 556.5 ACSR Bare, 18/1
The amount of the purchase agreement to be FIFTY-SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO AND 61/100 ($56,522.61) and Border States Electric being lowest responsible bidder.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to approve a purchase order agreement with RESCO for wire and cable
Item # Description
8 "Shepherd," (Duplex Stranded Aluminum), 600V, #6
19 500 MCM, 15kV, 1/C Stranded Copper
The amount of the purchase order agreement to be ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX AND 46/100 ($134,826.46) and RESCO being lowest responsible bidder.
With all members of the Board being present, Mr. Landwehr returned to the first item on the agenda.
1. Mr. Utz moved to nominate Mr. Landwehr for Board President for 2003, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois. All voting "AYE"
Board President Landwehr recommended the following appointments to serve as board-management liaison for the functions listed below:
Finance, Accounting and Audit – Mr. Bourgeois
Communications – Mr. Hunziker
Strategic Planning – Mr. Landwehr
Operations and Administration – Mr. Jibben
Policy – Mr. Utz
2. Mr. Hunziker moved to nominate
6. The Cost Sharing and Participation Agreement (CSPA) with TRANSLink Development Company LLC was discussed. The Agreement allows RPU to bring its transmission system into the TRANSLink network and assures that RPU will recover appropriate revenue for the use of the transmission system in the overall network. The CSPA will expire when the Public and Cooperative Power Participant Operating Agreement is executed. RPU's financial exposure during this initial agreement is minimal. Any additional agreements with TRANSLink will be brought before the Board. Mr. Bourgeois moved to approve the signature page of the CSPA subject to review of the terms and conditions of the final contract by the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Utz. All voting "AYE"
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to approve a contract agreement with TRANSLink Development Company LLC and request the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the agreement for Cost Sharing and Participation Agreement
7. Mr. Hunziker moved to approve a Memorandum of Agreement with IBEW Local 949 "Outside"
BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, to approve a Memorandum of Agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Outside Bargaining Unit Employees and the City of
Memorandum of Agreement – Vacation Accrual
IBEW Local #949 Outside
8. Mr. Koshire, General Manager, provided the following report:
a. Staff has been working with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on modeling restrictions for the steam supply project.
b. Staff discussed the sale of some SO2 credits, which RPU receives as part of the Clean Air Act. With market prices remaining flat, staff plans to sell a portion of these allowances.
c. Ms. Tompkins, Manager of Customer Services, provided an update on customer service activity. RPU Customer Service Representatives handle 120,000 calls per year. Approximately 14,600 people moved this past year. In addition, over 523,000 bills were sent out last year. Billing for the year totaled $99 million. Four staff read 73,000 meters per month. The Board thanked Ms. Tompkins for her department's efforts.
9. The management/financial reports were discussed.
10. Other Business:
Mr. Jack Jibben was welcomed as the new Board member replacing Roger Toulouse. Mr. Jibben is Vice Chair, Mayo Facilities and has an engineering degree.
11. Mr. Hunziker moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Jibben. All voting "AYE" The meeting was adjourned at
Approved by the Board: